Airport Information Reporting for Oregon - AIRO
In a co-operative effort between the Oregon Department of Aviation and the Oregon Pilots Association, the OPA has agreed to coordinate volunteers to monitor airport conditions and situational information and communicate it to OPA and the Oregon Department of Aviation so that we can keep our airports safe and active. We need your help, your eyes and ears, and no, you don't have to be attached to a specific airport. You can be an at-large volunteer, reporting any condition that needs to be addressed at any Oregon airport and helping out at OPA work-party gatherings.
They're our airports and we need to keep them safe and open!
Is there an AIRO for every airport?
Unfortunately, there are airports without an AIRO volunteer. When you contact our AIRO Volunteer Coordinator, you can ask which airports need a dedicated volunteer or you can choose to be an at-large volunteer.
Who do I contact to be a volunteer?
Call Dan Hankwitz, our current AIRO Coordinator at (503) 378-4176.
What does an AIRO-ASN do?
In addition to reporting via phone if there is a situation that would warrant reporting to ODA, FAA, TSA or other agency. Periodic reports or facility conditions is important to keep ODA aware of facility conditions. The ODA checklist is available here. Just fill it out and send it in.
Observations are information. Cracked pavement, missing or damaged signs, fence or gate problems are all examples of what might be present at an airport without the knowledge of the airport operator, owner or sponsor.
If it hasn't been reported, does anyone know to fix it?
Work Days and the Maintenance Wing
Our AIRO volunteers can get together regularly to work on airport projects, such as comment boxes or signage for airports and will combine with the OPA Maintenance Wing at work-parties to assist airports with necessary light maintenance. It's a great opportunity to get together and make a difference to our airports! And to have fun!
How to Become an AIRO Volunteer
Contact Don Hankwitz, our efficient and friendly AIRO Volunteer Coordinator at (503) 378-4176. He'll help you get signed up and tell you if an airport near you needs a dedicated volunteer. You can download the AIRO Guidelines as well as an Application Form, Volunteer Information Form, and a Liability Form here, to fill out and send in to the Department of Aviation.