Make Your Chapter Successful!
Ask any OPA member what makes a successful chapter and you'll get as many answers as there are members. There's good reason for that, every chapter has put their local spin on the mechanics of making a chapter come together as friends and an effective voice addressing issues affecting aviation.
When you look at our mission and objectives, it's easy to see why there is something for every member's interest. If there is one core principle to remember when planning meetings and chapter events.......HAVE FUN!
Plan with the following in mind:
have a variety of activities
vary day/evening events
involve spouses & families
eat, plain or fancy fare
work with other local organizations
invite or work with other chapters
arrange interesting guest speakers
avoid 100% politics
set a calendar early so members can plan
Smaller chapters can help each other by planning an event or two together or heading off to another chapter's meeting when they have a special event or guest speaker.
Communications is another key to keeping a chapter active and interesting. Just like planning, there's more than one part to a successful communications plan. Use as many of the following as possible:
have a regular newsletter
make a phone tree to reach every member
make reminder calls before each meeting
chapter webpage on this site or seperately
chapter contact e-mail listing
Chapter finances are always an area with lots of perspectives of what's the right way to go about getting money to support the chapter's activities. Some chapters have dues and don't do fundraising, other chapters have done exactly the opposite. It's a matter of chapter preference. For the chapters that have chosen to do fundraisers, there are:
breakfasts or other meals
garage sales
work projects
State Meetings
Quarterly state meetings are attended by either the Chapter President (or alternate) for the purpose of sharing with the rest of the organization. This is a good time to let the other chapters know what has gone on in your area and an equally good opportunity to take an idea or two back to your local chapter.
No matter the size or character of your chapter, just check back to this page once in a while and see if your chapter is taking the above items into consideration. Share your success stories and look at the other chapter's web pages from time to time.